Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Drystock Management)

Aim of the course:

To equip the graduate with knowledge, skills and capabilities for a role as herd / flock manager or farm technician. Graduates of this course may also seek employment opportunities in the broader agri-food sector.

By request Booking

Contact us to get details

Entry Requirements:

Students, who have successfully completed the Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture, or equivalent course, are eligible to apply for the Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Drystock Herd Management). Applicants with relevant prior learning and/or life experience will also be considered.



  • 12 months (end August to May)

Online applications now open - apply here

Application Process:



This programme is validated by QQI and leads to:

  • Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Drystock Herd Management) 

  • The graduate also qualifies  as a Young Trained Farmer


What will you study?

Beef Husbandry Management:

To equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to manage a beef herd in accordance with best practice and relevant legislation. Students will learn about the various systems of beef production, beef quality standards and markets. Through a combination of theory and practical classes on the college farm  students will learn about herd health, farm safety, feed and nutrition.

Applied Livestock Breeding:

To equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to apply best practices in livestock breeding management. Students will learn about the key performance indicators as they apply to suckler cow breeding. Comparison between the college farms breeding enterprise and the national figure will be discussed.

Sustainable Farming in the Environment:

To equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to use environmentally friendly and sustainable farming in compliance with relevant EU and national legislation.

Farm Management & Business Planning:

To equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively evaluate internal and external factors affecting the farm business.

Work Practice:

16 weeks of work placement on recognised host farms either in Ireland or overseas.


Learners on successful completion may seek progression opportunities in higher education through the Higher Education Links Scheme, or through advanced entry where applicable. Please contact the relevant higher education institute for further information.

Maintenance Grant: Apply to Teagasc for a Teagasc Maintenance Grant